The Last Muslims of Marree (South Australia): An Interview with Raymond Finn
Zimran was a Muslim Convict who arrived with the 3rd Fleet
The oldest coins discovered in Australia belonged to an Islamic Kingdom. Shaheed Drew demystifies how these coins may have made their way to Australia.
Arabic inscription in Sandstone at Sydney Harbour dated 1898
This clip briefly describes an Aboriginal Rock Art image from Groote Island, Northern Territory.
Alex Sloan interviews Shaheed Drew about the Muslim history of Australia. This (audio) recording contains snippets from the interview...Shaheed also talks about the book project he is working on...
This is a brief reflective documentary that introduces viewers to Australia's Muslim Cameleers. The first cameleers arrived over 15o years ago with the Burke and Wills Expedition...In the decades that followed, some 3000 or so cameleers worked in Australia....
The Muslims from Makassar (South Sulawesi) had been visiting Australia's north since the 1700s or 1600s. The harmonious contact between the Makassans and the Aboriginals brought about mutual benefits as well as ongoing friendships...